


事情发生的经过: As the 2017-2018 General Assembly returned to Raleigh for one last round of legislating, hundreds of municipal officials from around the state gathered at the League's 365体育足彩 Goals Conference in Raleigh to set important, 新的立法重点.
单词释义: 我们的城镇制定了一系列不同的目标, 我们将在稍后的公告中列出, for the new legislative biennium that starts in 2019 amid a dynamically different House and Senate roster. 随着这些变化的到来, now marks the last opportunity the current legislature has to move to on its own priorities, and a top focus so far has been the particulars of the constitutional amendments that voters approved at the polls recently. 
利用: 但议员们也在讨论其他问题, 包括飓风救援和经济发展. They plan to carry their work into next week and are not limited in scope. 
目前还不能完全确定他们的会期有多长, but they're likely to keep it open for 10 calendar days following the final vote. That would allow legislative leaders to address any vetoes from the governor while the veto-proof majority still exists.

北卡罗来纳州市政365足彩下载的成员城市和城镇已批准2019- 2020立法两年期的优先事项, 重点是交通和宽带投资, 以及创造更多经济适用房的解决方案. 总共, 周四在罗利举行的倡导目标会议上,代表100多个成员城镇的200多名市政官员批准了17项立法目标. The approval of these legislative priorities marked the culmination of months of work by the League’s three policy committees, 以及该组织的董事会, 市政官员认为, debated and refined dozens of proposed goals submitted by member cities and towns. "This effort and this process is so important because it allows us to speak with a unified voice," said NCLM President and Jacksonville Mayor Pro Tem Michael Lazzara. “通过团结一致地工作,团结一致地说话,我们共同前进. 正是这个过程——今天通过我们的代表委员会聚集在一起,共同为这些目标而努力——赋予了这些目标力量."

2019- 2020年立法目标: 


- Seek legislation to boost funding availability for public transit and transportation programs. 

- Seek legislation that provides additional tools and financial resources for addressing the affordable housing crisis. 

-寻求立法授权地方政府建设宽带基础设施,并通过长期基础设施租赁与私营互联网服务提供商合作. ​

-寻求立法,授权市政当局采取更多地方控制的收入选择办法,并在使用这些选择办法方面具有灵活性, 包括但不限于仅限城市的销售税, 城市占用税, 熟食税, 还有运输的影响费.

-寻求适当的立法支持, 通过废除市政府资助学校的权力,全州所有学校系统的州和县之间公平的学校资助. 

-支持立法,维护地方政府雇员退休制度及其固定收益结构的财政完整性, promotes reasonable pension reforms that are prospective in nature, 并满足当地员工的需求, 雇主, 和退休人员.  

-支持立法,在州一级为激励计划提供足够的资金,如竞争性电影激励计划, 国家历史保护税收抵免, and the Main Street Solutions fund necessary to grow 工作 and the economy.  

- Seek legislation to provide additional grant funding to municipalities for equipment and facility needs for public safety (fire, 警察, ems).

-支援措施, 比如额外的资金, to enhance cities’ ability to meet federal and state stormwater control mandates. 

- Oppose legislation that interferes with local management or ownership of local assets. 


-只支持向公职人员提供额外离职后福利的立法,其中包括一个供资机制,以充分支持福利的成本和责任,并支持对现有离职后福利的研究, 如特殊离职津贴计划, to ensure that the liability of providing the benefit isn’t solely borne by the last employer. 

——支持立法修改目前国家用于分配资金的经济需求确定方法,使更多有需要的地区从经济发展中受益, 工作, 看到更多的创业创新. 

- Support a system of spirituous liquor sales that maintains a local referendum about the decision to sell, 保留对出口位置和密度的本地控制, 并保留当地的收入来源.

周四,来自北卡罗来纳州各地的数百名市政官员聚集在罗利,参加365足彩下载2018年倡导目标会议,主要关注的是为下一个立法两年期制定最新的优先事项. But attendees also benefited from the words of special guest speakers including Gov. 罗伊•库珀, State Treasurer Dale Folwell and former National League of Cities President Melodee Colbert-Kean.
库珀州长表示,他期待着与2019- 2020年的立法机构合作,并在已经团结两党以取得良好成果的问题上发光. He kept much of his speech to League members focused on the heartbreaking aftermath of recent the hurricanes, 尤其是佛罗伦萨, 这导致大会本届会议尽量减少政治和适当的恢复资金,以改善北卡罗来纳州. Governor Cooper also praised municipal officials for being on the front lines of hurricane response and recovery. He also endorsed the idea that municipalities need more flexibility to set their own course. “我不是说说而已. 你会在我的行动中看到这一点,”州长说.​
科尔伯特-基恩是密苏里州乔普林乐队的成员., City Council and served as mayor during the devastating 2011 EF-5 tornado that took 161 lives and forever changed the city. 在这里向城镇致辞, she stressed the importance of local-level initiative to get recovery conversations started and on the right foot.
Treasurer Folwell addressed his efforts to ensure the fiscal integrity of the state and local government pension system. He told municipal officials that he has been committed to bringing down investment fees and combating fraud, 他说,鉴于过去二十年来投资回报未能跟上预测的步伐,这些举措尤为重要. The League would like to thank its special guests for their time and attention to municipal issues.

联合国大会又回到了罗利. 在2018年会议的延续上,立法者于11月11日进行了投票. 27日,他宣布计划制定立法,使选民在最近的选举中批准的宪法修正案得以实施并规定其条款. 其中包括 选民身份证要求, and a bill setting out details for that requirement won approval in the Senate on Thursday. 该法案, 目前正在等待众议院的批准, 需要有照片的身份证明, 在众多选择中, 由县选举委员会颁发的卡片. 账单上列出了所有可接受的表格, 其中包括当地政府颁发的员工身份证, 如果它符合一定的标准.
Lawmakers in this lame-duck session aren't limited on the kinds of legislation to move. 周四,参议院一致通过了让奥巴马在参议院任职的议案. 罗伊•库珀 3亿美元的一揽子计划 额外的飓风恢复援助. 新闻报道称,预计州长将签署该法案, which includes beach renourishment funding and loans for local governments.
立法机构和观察员正在就议员们可能提出的其他问题快速交换信息, and in some cases rumors and misinformation enter the broader dialogue. 参议院提交的一项法案提议取消某些州委员会,包括一些与地方政府互动的委员会,这引起了警觉, 错误地, 他们认为相关资金岌岌可危. As attendees of the League's 365体育足彩 Goals Conference heard on Thursday, it's not the case that funds are slated for elimination along with these boards. Read on for a more thorough explanation of the bill and what it would do.

A 参议院法案 introduced earlier this week proposed elimination of numerous state boards, including the appointed boards that oversee grants made from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) and the Parks & 康乐信托基金(部份). 重要的是对于申请这些补助的城镇, 该法案本身并没有取消这些基金. 进一步, 在CWMTF情况下, the bill contained an allowance for the grant program to continue to be administered by the N.C. 自然和文化资源部. 这项提议源于一场旷日持久的争论, 对某些州委员会的控制权, 在行政部门和立法部门之间. 这一争议可以追溯到前州长奥巴马(barack obama)任内开始的诉讼. 帕特·麦克罗里, and continued this fall with a constitutional amendment initiative that failed to gain voters’ approval. 该法案本周没有推进,也没有举行听证会, and no further action on the bill has yet been scheduled by the Senate.

北卡罗来纳州市政365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶是加入全国城市365足彩下载董事会的四个州市政365足彩下载领导人之一. 这一消息是在NLC宣布的 最近CitySummit 同时,杰克逊维尔市议会成员安吉利亚·华盛顿被选为国家委员会成员,任期两年. 这两名北卡罗来纳人加入了美国多元化的横截面.S. 现在是印第安纳州的加里.市长凯伦·弗里曼·威尔逊(Karen Freeman-Wilson)担任总统. “在一个分裂的时代, it is more important than ever for city leaders to come together for the good of our residents, 也为了我们国家的未来,弗里曼-威尔逊说. “我很荣幸能够领导全国城市365足彩下载,在我们社区居民关心的问题上发出我们的集体声音. 携起手来,我们可以让我们国家的城市发生真正的变化.”

365足彩下载很自豪地推出了它的 社区宽带在线资源中心 今天. This webpage is the go-to for anyone wishing to learn more about community-led broadband efforts, 就在一天前,市政官员优先考虑修改州法律,明确允许地方政府建设宽带基础设施,并将其出租给私人合作伙伴. Visitors to the resource center can orient themselves to the issue by watching a “宽带基础” 网络研讨会. 他们还可以阅读365足彩下载的白皮书, “跨越数字鸿沟”, 并在市政等式播客中收听一段探讨联邦通信委员会(FCC)收集的宽带服务数据的局限性的播客, “地图是错的.” 参观 社区宽带在线资源中心 从今天开始,在你的社区加快宽带的速度.